Version 1.00

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About the Course






Course Structure:




The course is made up of an introductory component and six modules. The introductory component (Getting Started) gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself to your colleagues from all over Southern Africa who will be participating in the course. It also introduces you to the way in which the course works.

Each of the six modules deals with a different aspect of running a Technical Service Centre.

The modules are:
Module 1: Acquiring the PCs
Module 2: Locating premises and establishing your centre
Module 3: Distributing the PCs
Module 4: Refurbishing and maintaining a PC
Module 5: Disposal at end-of-life
Module 6: The business plan

Getting Started
Activity 1 - Introducing yourself

Module 1
Acquiring the PCs:Introduction
Activity 2 - Compose a letter to a donor agency that has offered your organization 500 PCs

Module 2
Locating premises and establishing your centre:Introduction
Activity 3.1 - Identify key stakeholders in your country
Activity 3.2 - Write a letter introducing yourself and your organization
Activity 3.3 - Give 2 options for a physical site where you could locate your centre

Module 3
Distributing the PCs:Introduction
Activity 4.1 - Prepare an application form for potential customers
Activity 4.2 – Prepare a document listing the terms and conditions of the service your technical service centre will be offering customers, and what you can expect from them in return

Module 4
Refurbishing and maintaining a PC:
There is no activity for this module. Activities relating to this module will be covered during the 5 day workshop in Johannesburg

Module 5
Disposal at end-of-life:
There is no activity for this module. The content in this module is integrated into activities in previous modules

Module 6
The business plan:Introduction
Activity 5 - Create a business plan for your technical service centre






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