Version 1.00

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How the Course Works






The course is structured around the Activities that need to be completed. There are 5 Activities throughout the course.

The course is made up of 3 parts:

  • Phase 1: This is made up of the Getting Started Module and Modules 1 – 3. All of these Modules have an Activity that needs to be completed. The work carried out for the Activities will be submitted to the group via email. There will be ongoing e-mail engagement with your online mentor and community of peers and continual feedback will also be provided via e-mail by your mentor. This phase of the course is expected to comprise 30 notional hours of learning over a period of a month.
  • Phase 2: This is the 5 day workshop which will be held in Johannesburg. Topics covered in this phase will comprise of Module 4 and other matters which are better suited to a workshop environment. This phase will also provide participants unique opportunities to work through practical activities, share experiences and problems.
  • Phase 3: This is the final phase of the course and comprises Module 6 and the final Activity – creating a business plan for your Technical Service Centre. All the learning done throughout the course is integrated into this phase. This phase will comprise further online interaction and 20 notional hours of learning for two months. This will bring the course to its conclusion.

Two of the Modules (Module 4 and 5) do not have activities. The topics covered in Module 4 are integrated into the 5 day workshop. The information contained in Module 5 is integrated into Modules 1, 3 and 6

The place to start is the Getting Started module which contains the introductory activity. Unlike all the other modules, this module does not have any resources. All the other modules have quite extensive resource sections - online/offline resources. This section of each module is made up of Resources and Back-up resources/Additional Info. The Resources section contains essential readings. Back-up resources/Additional Info contains readings and website links that are not essential to read in order to complete the necessary activities. These back-up resources and additional information can be read in your own time.

When submitting emails to your group or mentor, please remember to always describe what the email contains or is about in the subject line of the email so that whoever receives it, is aware of the subject matter.

If at any time you are not sure where to go, click on the Home button to go to the main page on this CD. This page is the best point from which to access all of the content on this CD.





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