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Special Needs Resources


Child Soldiers: Care & Protection of Children in Emergencies
Field Guide to Child Soldier Programs in Emergencies is one in a series compiled through the Children and War Capacity Building Initiative. Through this initiative, Save the Children has made a clear institutional commitment to providing quality programs which support children's well-being in emergencies and crisis, and to ensuring that SC staff have the knowledge and skills they need to continue this important work.
Source: Save the Children [1415]

Global survey on education in emergencies
This report presents information gathered by the Global Survey on Education in Emergencies (Global Survey). It attempts to fill a gap in information about how many refugee, displaced and returnee children and youth globally have access to education and the nature of the education they receive.
Source: Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children [1414]

Closing the Gap
Closing The Gap highlights hardware and software products appropriate for people with special needs, and explains how this technology is being implemented in education, rehabilitation, and vocational settings around the world. [1362]

A Review of Good Practice in ICT and Special Educational Needs for Africa
The aim of this study is to investigate how good practice and experiences from the global use of Assistive Technology (AT) can be shared with African governments and people working in the sector. The study focuses on the use of ICT to support Special Educational Needs in Africa with particular reference to special schools, teacher education and inclusive educational programmes. The main disability groups considered are the hearing impaired, vision impaired and children with general learning disabilities. [1131]

Ann Foundation
Ann Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life for children with visual and hearing impairments. [1115]

Digital Divide for Women with Disabilities
Women with disabilities are over-represented in low socio-economic groups compared to men with disabilities and women in general. This affects their ability to access ICT that further disadvantages them in a range of activities that are now conducted over the Internet. [499]

Adaptive Technology Centre
The Adaptive Technology Centre for the Blind [ATCB] is a dedicated computer trainer and Braille transcriber Center focusing on the needs of students and professionals in Ethiopia who are blind or visually impaired. [496]

Communication Matters
information and links about the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) needs of people with severe communication difficulties [495]

Children with Special Needs
In this site you will find resources for learners with dissabilities. [498]

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