Version 1.00

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Welcome to the Online Course for Technical Service Centre Managers






Welcome to the Online Professional Development Course for Managers of Technical Service Centres. This course has been developed with the support of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA).

You have been selected by SchoolNet Africa to participate in this course which is designed to enable you to set up, run and maintain a technical (support, training and refurbishing PCs) service centre to support the schools in your country.

These centres used to be referred to as ‘computer refurbishment centres’.We are, however, moving away from this term. This is because these centres do far more than simply refurbishment. They provide complete ICT solutions to the education and other development sectors. This includes acquiring, refurbishing, distributing and maintaining complete PC laboratories (labs), as well as providing ICT training.

The course is fundamentally about resourcing schools and the education system in Africa. It covers one aspect that attempts to provide African schools with universal access to ICTs in order for them to be used to improve education. Click here to see the value chain to show how this course is linked to all the other facets of school networking.

Schoolnet Africa is pleased to be able to offer such a course and contribute to the building of greater skills, knowledge and understanding on what is required with regards to the establishment and operation of a technical service centre. I am certain that the course will offer you clear perspectives, processes and skills to find practical ways to ensure that second-hand computers are distributed throughout the developing world and refurbished for educational use in a range of schooling contexts to significantly reduce Africa’s digital divide.

In offering this course, SchoolNet Africa believes that the design of the model, i.e. an online course together with a face-to-face workshop, will better enable managers to gain a thorough knowledge of the issues which must be taken into consideration when providing sufficient quantities and quality refurbished PCs to African schools.

As with any professional development course, its value is based on the time, effort and involvement of the course participants. I urge you to make full use of the course, the tutors and workshop facilitators, so that you gain the maximum possible from it.

For most of you, the way in which this course is designed is different from other courses you have previously enrolled on. Learning in this way may well be a new way of learning, and you may be experiencing anxiety - and excitement – as to whether you'll cope. Just follow the instructions, and when you get stuck there is always your mentor or a fellow learner to contact for support. Soon you'll find that this is an exciting way of learning, and you'll realise that you had nothing to be anxious about.

Learning in this way is not a one-way process. Every participant brings valuable experience to the course. A large part of the learning will take place in your generation and sharing of ideas, problems and possible solutions with your co-learners and with your mentor. It is important, therefore, for you to participate as fully as you can.

We suggest that, before you begin the course, you read through the information About the Course. This will explain in detail how it will work, and the principles upon which it has been designed.

If at any time, you have problems with any aspect of the course, please e-mail the course mentor. To send an e-mail, simply click on the E-mail mentor button at the top of the page. Your mentor will be able to help you with any problem you may have.

The course as a whole is based on an estimate of 90 hours of time spent on reading, activities and interaction with mentor and co-learners.

If you do not feel familiar with using a CD, then try reading through some special help files we have put together for you. You can also read these to learn about some conventions that we use throughout the CD.

To access the help files, simply click on this link with your mouse.

We welcome your participation in this course and are confident that you will find the course stimulating, enjoyable and rewarding. We also hope that it will meet your expectations. We look forward to seeing the results in your work over the next few years, and receiving your feedback on the course which can help us to improve it.

Your mentor will be contacting you by e-mail shortly to formally start the course. However, feel free to look at the activities and think about them as soon as you are ready.

If at any time you are not sure where to go, click on the Home button to go to the main page on this CD. This page is the best point from which to access all of the content on this CD.



"Made in Africa"



Copyright © 2004 SchoolNet Africa