Version 1.00

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Training Materials Learner Feedback Form






Our goal is to assist Managers of Technical Service Centres to establish and maintain effective and efficient organizations.

We are committed to providing our course participants with the most flexible, engaging and valuable interactive course available today. To help us with future learning materials we need to know how useful you found both the structure and content of the CD-ROM together with the face-to-face workshop and how we might improve and develop it further. This will ensure that future participants can look forward to the most effective Technical Service Centre Management Training, not just today, but tomorrow too.

Please fill in the form below. When you have completed it, click on the ‘send’ button at the bottom of the page. We greatly value your feedback and opinions.

First Name:

1. Which one of the following represents you?

2. Did you have any difficulties in accessing and running the training materials for the first time?

3. Did the training materials provide you with the level of tuition you require?

4. How would you rate the language and clarity of the training materials?
5. How would you rate the presentation of the training materials?
6. How would you rate the ease of moving around the course?
7. What do you think of the topics covered in the Modules of the online sections of the course? Please give reasons for your answers.
8. What do you think of the topics covered in the face-to-face workshop? Please give reasons for your answers.
9. What topics were not covered well or enough in the course?
10. What did you like most about the course? Please give reasons for your answers.
11. What did you like least about the course? Please give reasons for your answers.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form.
We look forward to reading your comments





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